Sunday 15 December 2013

Mock Up #2

As I stuck with the same idea for the campaign through both posters, my second mock up is a  teaser poster. I much prefer this poster to the official poster, as I feel it connotes the idea of the film a lot more. The slogan seems much more obvious than the previous one, as it connotes the idea that something is hiding within the child's body. I also like the way I've still used the colour scheme of black, reds and whites though in a much more subtle, less vibrant way than previous which I think makes the poster look more realistic. I think the way I've changed the opacity of the layer with the child's face in agony is very effective, as it contrasts and so emphasizes completely the hand. The poster also looks a lot more bleak and washed out, which I think looks better for my idea. I like the way I've used scratches and blotches on a low opacity sporadically in order to make the poster less structured. Finally, I much prefer the font type used for the title (Modern No. 20)

To improve on this poster, though I like the image of the hand, I would perhaps change the image to something more suitable of the genre as I feel it may not fit the background image appropriately in relation to the possession sub-genre. I would make the image of the hand or its replacement more clear and perhaps try to connote the idea of pain through the main image as well as the child's face, perhaps by adding blood brushes and cracks/smudges/dirt to make the child look more deformed and less life-like. I would also darken the image by lowering the brightness and raising the contrast, however I like the way that in this poster I used the burn tool between the fingers to do so. To improve I would also edit the child face slightly, perhaps show that something is within her body through having something coming out of her mouth and make her skin look more deformed.

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