Sunday 15 December 2013

Mock Up #1

This is the result of my first mock up. This particular poster would be the official poster for the campaign, as it contains elements such as the credit block, the exact release date, the actors in the movie and so on and so forth. I like the way I've used cracks and blood splats in the background to make it look as though the poster is crumbling, and through doing this I've intertwined the black, red and white colour scheme within the poster, using a mixture of black and blood red cracks cobwebbing the typography, which also fit the colour of the dress. I think the way I've made the main focus of the poster (the girl and the dress) look more emphasized than real through the use of glamour glow is effective. The slogan used for this poster seems very topic appropriate seeing as 'God' is linked with the lexical field of religion.

To improve in my final piece, I will make sure to take photos of suitable backgrounds connoting the title instead of using plain black in order to give the poster a more life-like effect - perhaps a church or a set-up exorcism scene. I also dislike the way I've intertwined typography together as in some cases it does not suit the genre, and I would  need to stick to one form of typography rather than three. Perhaps I could also think of ways to merge the background, image and text together to make it look as one rather than a put-together text.

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