Sunday 24 November 2013

More playing around with typography...

I created the original typography on Microsoft Word using 'Times New Roman' in order to conform to typical 'possession' typography. I again used small caps to conform, and added a white glow around the edges.

After editing. I used to edit very subtly. I adjusted the Gaussian blur on the word 'Ritual' and added smudge brushes over the 'R' to give a supernatural effect. I also decided to add scratch marks in the corner to create enigma codes. 
This is the first typography in which I have used no red, and I don't like it as I feel it is missing a demonic presence - however I like the overall design. To improve, I would change the scratch to perhaps a red to include more of the demonic colour scheme.

In this design, I used the font 'You Murderer' which I downloaded from a while ago. I decided to change the font to a deep red in order to use the typical demonic colour scheme however still used a white glow to keep the theme of the supernatural.

Through editing on, I decided to make this font more messy and abstract than the rest to create a sense of panic and disaster. I randomly scattered scratch, dirt and blood brushes over the piece to create a sense of chaos, and decided to stick with the red scheme. If I were to make changes, I would attempt to strategically place the red brushes whilst still being abstract.

Again, I used Microsoft Word to create the original font. I used the font 'Georgia' and chose a deep red, including Microsoft's cross symbol rather than a 't' in order to promote the genre. I added a slight white glow around the edges of the text.

 When editing on pixlr, I decided to keep the idea as basic as possible. The only editing I chose to do was put emphasis on the cross, emphasizing the genre. I added a white overlay around the edges of the cross and used a soft circle brush in the middle of the cross, and lowered the opacity. This is one of my favourite ideas.

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