Tuesday 21 January 2014

Brief narrative outline

A young Christian girl and her family go to a Sunday Service. Whilst praying in front of the votive candles, suddenly the lights in the church go off, strong winds blow out the votive candles and smash the stain glass windows. We then see a close up of the crucifix on the altar as the glass has fallen and red wine pours onto the crucifix which connotes religion lost. Whilst the lights were off, the young girl of the family passes out and becomes possessed - this the audience does not know at this point. The family then returns home and looks back on their experience at the church, meanwhile the girl is being silent and behaving strangely, she gives almost a personified stare, and doesn't talk much. Over the remaining days, the girl begins to partake in odd behaviour such as talking to thin air, behaving strangely towards her siblings and distancing herself from human contact. At one point, she even runs away to the church. It is in the middle of the film that it is revealed the child is possessed when the family decide to get help in from a psychiatrist first, followed by a priest when that fails. The rest of the film is spent trying to perform a ritual on the child which in the end results with the death of her.