Tuesday 29 October 2013

The analysed results for my first questionnaire were as follows...

Tuesday 22 October 2013

This is the questionnaire I will use to narrow down my audience and general ideas for my horror campaign

Monday 21 October 2013

I created a schedule for my pre-production research in order to complete the tasks required by the deadline, efficiently. 

Thursday 10 October 2013

 Textual and content analysis into comparable products - Drag Me To Hell


We were given the task of manipulating images from the internet and turning them into our own horror posters.

For my first poster, I only used one image to manipulate and added special effects. Firstly, I cropped the picture until there was only one silhouette. I then blurred the edges to make it fit in with the all black background, and raised the contrast so the silhouette was darker. I then added effects such as the splatter brush and the crack brush to create effect. I chose the title "Torn" as it reflects the plot of possession, and decided to give the font a red glow to fit typical horror conventions of gore while adding the extra convention of the title being ghostly. The font type is almost as though the word is bleeding, once again fitting in with the blood brushes I added to the image. The original image was of a lot of people silhouetted through a window. Below is the image after it had been manipulated.

I much prefer my second design. This one took me a lot more time as it was a lot more complex and used a variety of different images combined. I combined these two images:

I cropped the one of the woman to the point where it was just her. I then lowered the saturation until she was a silhouette however made it so you could still slightly see the gown she was wearing. I then made another layer and placed her on top of the corridor image at the bottom center of the screen as though she was entering the corridor. I then added paintbrush tools such as cracks and splatters to the lights and the walls, and in particular from the corner of the ceiling to make it look as though someone was bleeding above her. I then used the title "They're Watching" to indicate the person above who we don't know, hence not giving "They're" a name. The improvement I'd make to this in my pre-production piece would be the layout of the font. I'm not sure it fits in very well with the image, and I would take the idea of the glow from the previous horror campaign I made to give it a more ghostly feel, though I do like the use of the font type and the colour. Below is the manufactured image:

Analysis of two horror posters - One Missed Call and The Conjuring